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Radix Solutions, LLC

Radix Solutions was created with one goal in mind: create complete solutions for clients while keeping that solution affordable. We take pride in being able to consistently exceed expectations in both functionality and cost savings. We have a proven track record of accomplishing these goals in industries such as Human Resources, Healthcare, Telecommunications, Import/Export, Electronics, and government contract firms.

August 1, 2005
Radix Solutions Acquires Applied Tec
Radix Solutions, LLC has acquired Applied Technical Solutions, a full-service IT support organization, in order to expand its suite of product offerings. The integration of Applied Tec allows Radix Solutions to offer our customers a complete IT solution, including software development, hardware maintenance, system support, security...

July 15, 2005
Radix Solutions Partners With VelociTek
Radix Solutions, LLC has partnered with VelociTek. The two companies will collaborate on ongoing and future projects that leverage both companies skillsets. This partnership will allow both companies to expand operations to new...